Best Tips for Illustrating a Book

Blueberry Illustrations


Book illustration art
Book illustration

Writing a book can be lots of fun and can bring creativity and joy to the lives of those lucky enough to find the time, skill and energy to create manuscripts, short stories or children’s books.
We all have grown up reading and hearing stories. These stories are an integral part of how we imagined and perceived a story as a child. Moreover, Children book illustrations helped us in developing our initial reading habits as kids.

If you are an artist/ illustrator who is considering branching into the world of book illustration, here are a very helpful hints and tips to help you on your way!

  1. Always spend time with the author of the book you are going to illustrate. If possible, ensure that your meetings are held face-to-face, and this will allow you to learn more about the author and his vision for the book. If this is not possible, at least try to make sure that your initial meeting is held face to face. You will find that it gives both you, the illustrator and them, the author, confidence in the project

2. Understand the writer’s expectations. Make sure you have a complete brief for the project and assess the implications surrounding the project; For example, the proposed budget, the amount of time it takes you to complete the project, and any potential knock-on effects this project may have on your other workload.

3. When you have completed a project, keep providing rough pictures to it. This allows the author to see how the project is progressing and also means that any changes they want to make during the illustration can be prepared, saving you a lot of time and energy.

4. Always read the entire book, and if possible, read some stories that the author has written before (if applicable). Don’t just focus on the sections that require you to provide pictures — read the entire manuscript to get it as real as the entire book.

5. Spend time deciding which parts of the story or which particular scenes you are going to portray. Check your decisions with the author to make sure they agree with your choice.

6. Make sure your illustrations help bring the story to life — they are meant to enhance the story and add another dimension to the story — this means that the visuals should be more exciting than just displaying the text. Think about how you can add a particular part of the story through your pictures.



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